Mrs Miggins

Our Mrs Miggins journal is a fantastic way to keep up-to-date with the latest news from the Swiss Alps as well as getting the latest information about Mrs Miggins. We regularly post exciting updates about the areas local to Mrs Miggins properties to help you get the most out of your Alpine stay, including information about the slopes, local activities and properties we have to offer.

Curling au cœur du village

Curling au cœur du village

Grimentz Le curling fait partie des sports d’hiver les plus reconnus en Suisse. L’équipe suisse se classe régulièrement parmi les meilleures du...

Guest Review Award 2016

Guest Review Award 2016

Guest Review Award Alpine Lifestyle Partners and the Team of Mrs Miggins ( are proud to announce that we have been awarded the Guest...

Luxury Travel Guide Award for The Lodge

Luxury Travel Guide Award for The Lodge

The Lodge Champéry by Mrs Miggins can proudly announce that it has been awarded the Luxury Travel Guide Award for Service Excellence and will...
